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Autoexpand Excel Tables on Protected Sheets

Autoexpand Excel Tables on Protected Sheets


An important feature of Excel Defined Tables, the autoexpanding functionality, is lost when the worksheet is protected. On a protected worksheet, when you type anything under the last row, the table will not automatically expand to include the new row, as you might expect. The decision to protect the sheet is not easy when you need both protection and autoexpansion capabilities for an Excel Table.

Most likely, Microsoft engineers are well aware of this limitation, but until they come up with a solution to this problem, you can try my solution. The solution involves a little Visual Basic programming, but fortunately for you, I have taken care of the programming part.

Using the Worksheet_SelectionChange event,

we can detect what cell is selected by a user, and then we can decide if we need to unprotect (or not) the worksheet. Read More

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