Get.Workbook function
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Can't open Pivot Table Source File
Change Pivot Table Data Source
Combine File
count based on text length
Data Body Range
Debug Formula
Defined Name
Display Triggers
Edit Mode
Enter Mode
Entire Table
excel 2007
excel 2010
Excel App Fill PDF Forms
Excel Calculations
Excel Defined Table
Excel Formulas
Excel Functions
Excel Order of Precedence
Excel Tables
extract item from delimited text
extract last item from string
Form Filling Tools
Formula AutoComplete
Header Row
Input Modes
Intersection Operator
LEN function
Name Manager
Point Mode
power query
Range Operator
Reference Operators
Resize Handle
return smallest text in range
Sizing Handle
substitute last occurence
Table Components
Totals Row
Union Operator
Dynamic Hyperlinks in Excel
Dynamic Hyperlinks in Excel to navigate between Worksheets
Adding a hyperlink to a specific worksheet or cell is an easy thing to do. But what if you need the hyperlink to be dynamic, no matter if you insert or delete sheets, change the order of sheets?
Or, if you start from a template sheet, and keep adding sheets, you need to have dynamic hyperlinks in the template sheet, that “knows” which is the next or previous sheet, without manually adjusting all hyperlinks.
Few things you should know:
You have multiple options to create a hyperlink (without VBA):
- you can add a hyperlink to a cell, by right clicking that cell and selecting Hyperlink from right click menu;
- add a hyperlink to a shape, by right clicking that cell and selecting Hyperlink from right click menu; (very similar to adding a hyperlink to a cell)
- add a hyperlink in a cell using the Excel Hyperlink Function.