Excel ScoreBoard
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count based on text length
Data Body Range
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Defined Name
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excel 2007
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Excel App Fill PDF Forms
Excel Calculations
Excel Defined Table
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Excel Order of Precedence
Excel Tables
extract item from delimited text
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Form Filling Tools
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LEN function
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Point Mode
power query
Range Operator
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Resize Handle
return smallest text in range
Sizing Handle
substitute last occurence
Table Components
Totals Row
Union Operator
Excel Table Tennis ScoreBoard
Here is a ScoreBoard View:
This one is dedicated to all Table Tennis fans 🙂 , hope they will find this Excel Table Tennis ScoreBoard useful.
I’ve built this application for our table tennis team, High-Tech, you will find us in the list of teams and players 🙂
The Excel Table Tennis ScoreBoard will work in Excel 2007+ versions, on 32-bit and 64-bit versions, not tested in Excel 2003. (forget about this version, there are many new excellent features in the newer versions) Read More