Customized Excel Applications, adapted to your needs.
Read Data into a Dictionary of Arrays
Combine data files with Power Query
Pattern Matching in Power Query
How to Fill PDF Forms in Excel
LEN function: Basic and Advanced Examples
SUBSTITUTE function: Basic and Advanced Examples
Working with Excel Functions and Formulas
Can’t Open Pivot Table Source file
Working With a Defined Name
Selecting Excel Table Components
Order of Precedence
The Order of Precedence used by Excel to calculate formulas is extremely important to know when building complex formulas.
Of course, Excel will respect all mathematical rules you learned in school, there are only a few more Operators in Excel: the Range Operators, single Space Operator, Union Operator, the Concatenation Operator and the Exponentiation Operator.
Excel Table Components
What is a Defined Table?
An Excel Defined Table is a special object in Excel which adds a lot of new options and functionalities when working with data ranges. With Defined Tables, you can manipulate data more easily than before, adding power and flexibility to your applications.
To create a Defined Table, select the data range, or simply select any cell within the data range, and click the Table button from the Insert tab from Ribbon. The keyboard shortcut key is Ctrl+T to create a Defined Table.
Excel Reference Operators
There are 3 Reference Operators in Excel:
- “:” (colon) is the Range operator, which produces one reference to all the cells between two cells references, including the cells written in the reference text, like: A11:A13
- “,” (comma) is the Union operator, which combines multiple Ranges into one reference, like A11:A13 , A11:C11 , A11 (you can refer to simple cells too, not only to ranges with multiple cells)
- ” ” (space) is the Intersection operator, which returns a reference to the cell or to the range of cells found at the intersection of the ranges. In this example, only cell A11 is found in both ranges: A11:A13 A11:C11
Excel Cell Modes
How can the Cell Modes affect your work?
When you try to edit a Conditional Formatting formula, and you click the left or right arrows to move across formula’s text, Excel inserts unwanted cell references. Same thing happens when you try to create or edit a Defined Name formula, or a Chart series…
If you are not aware of the active Cell Mode, then working with formulas, defined names formulas or conditional formatting formulas, editing chart series can become very annoying.
Excel CRM Tool for Personal Use
If you’re looking for a Client Relationship Management tool,
you can try the Excel CRM. The lite version has 3 modules active: Contacts, Organizations and Calendar, these are the most popular.
Download Excel CRM: Excel CRM lite.xslm
The full version has a lot more modules, as you will see on the opening page. Each module has it’s corresponding User Form:
Contacts User Form:
Dynamic Hyperlinks in Excel
Dynamic Hyperlinks in Excel to navigate between Worksheets
Adding a hyperlink to a specific worksheet or cell is an easy thing to do. But what if you need the hyperlink to be dynamic, no matter if you insert or delete sheets, change the order of sheets?
Or, if you start from a template sheet, and keep adding sheets, you need to have dynamic hyperlinks in the template sheet, that “knows” which is the next or previous sheet, without manually adjusting all hyperlinks.
Few things you should know:
You have multiple options to create a hyperlink (without VBA):
- you can add a hyperlink to a cell, by right clicking that cell and selecting Hyperlink from right click menu;
- add a hyperlink to a shape, by right clicking that cell and selecting Hyperlink from right click menu; (very similar to adding a hyperlink to a cell)
- add a hyperlink in a cell using the Excel Hyperlink Function.
Use Excel to Create Mass Letters
This article describes how to create mass letters from Excel, using a Microsoft Word Document as the letter template and a Map between Excel Defined Names and Word Document Bookmarks.
Starting from the example described in this article, there are numerous things that can be done: if we setup the same bookmarks in Multiple Word Documents, and if we use a multi-select dialog box to open and fill all those selected documents, we can create A SET of different documents for each recipient! Of course, all letters can be attached to an email and sent to that recipient email.
Most of the times,
It should be obvious you first need to create an Excel Table containing the name, physical address, email address, and other pertinent information that is to be inserted into the letter/email of all your intended recipients.
To create a letter for all recipients from your table, a Mail Merge will be all you need. But there are many scenarios where you need flexibility:
- you may want to create a letter for only 1 recipient, without going through all Mail Merge steps;
- or you need to select a range of rows and create letters for all selected rows,
- or, you may want to filter the table for different criteria, and create letters just for visible rows,
- Create Letter for each row in table.
The following will cover all these scenarios, the letters will be saved as PDF files.
Read MoreLinear Interpolation In Excel
Excel does not provide a function for linear interpolations. If your data table has a low granularity (you have only units, not sub – units), and you need precise results, you have to create your own linear interpolation formula. You will find in this article an excel formula, and a User Defined Function (UDF) for Linear Interpolation in Excel. Read More
Excel Table Tennis ScoreBoard
Here is a ScoreBoard View:
This one is dedicated to all Table Tennis fans 🙂 , hope they will find this Excel Table Tennis ScoreBoard useful.
I’ve built this application for our table tennis team, High-Tech, you will find us in the list of teams and players 🙂
The Excel Table Tennis ScoreBoard will work in Excel 2007+ versions, on 32-bit and 64-bit versions, not tested in Excel 2003. (forget about this version, there are many new excellent features in the newer versions) Read More