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Excel Table Tennis ScoreBoard

Here is a ScoreBoard View:

This one is dedicated to all Table Tennis fans 🙂 , hope they will find this Excel Table Tennis ScoreBoard useful.

I’ve built this application for our table tennis team, High-Tech, you will find us in the list of teams and players 🙂

The Excel Table Tennis ScoreBoard will work in Excel 2007+ versions, on 32-bit and 64-bit versions, not tested in Excel 2003. (forget about this version, there are many new excellent features in the newer versions)

Download the Excel Table Tennis ScoreBoard: Table Tennis ScoreBoard.xlsm

How to Use:

To select new Teams, press the New Teams button from the ScoreBoard worksheet, the following window will be displayed on your screen:

Match Setup page

Match Setup page

Game Schemas:
There are 2 available Schemas, for teams with 3 or 4 players, select one of them in the upper section of the form.

Selecting New Teams:

– Select in this order: League, Team, ScoreBoard(A-D sau V-Z), Team players and the letter for each player.
– Press Prepare and Display ScoreBoard.
– From ScoreBoard, you can select the game to referee; in the window that shows after pressing the Arbitrate button, you have the option to referee the game, or to fill the result to log sheet, for a specific game.
– From ScoreBoard sheet, you can choose anytime the players for double; after the players are selected, you can referee this game.


– To add points to a player, you can use the keyboard to type the points, OR, as an alternative, you can Right click with your mouse in cell D4 or F4, corresponding to each player’s points.
– To decrease points to a player (for corrections, if necessary), you can use the keyboard to type in the points, OR, as an alternative, you can Double click with your mouse in cell D4 or F4, coresponding to each player points.
– At the end of each game, the application will automatically switch the score (the players will switch table sides) and when one player wins, the score is automatically written to the log sheet, the ScoreBoard is reset, you can pick a new game to arbitrate.
– At the end of the meeting, the ScoreBoard Log can be saved in PDF format, pressing the Save PDF button from ScoreBoard.


The players table is extracted from our website, the code that populates the list of teams and players is designed for our webpage structure (there are 5 data connections, one for each league), it will not work on any website; you will have to manually fill in the list.

Have fun 🙂

2 Comments to Excel Table Tennis ScoreBoard

  1. A.Maurizio says:

    Good morning my name is John, I am writing because I have this problem that I would like to solve with Excel.
    Therefore, using an excel Chart with office 2007, I would faithfully recreate this chart that I found on the internet,
    but do not see any indication of the row or column that I could figure out how to proceed.
    Do not deny that I tried in a thousand ways to do it without asking anybody but there is nothing to do.
    She kindly can you give me a hand in this matter; Sincere greetings from a. Maurizio
    (PS) my Link where I can download my prospectus and this:


    • Hi Maurizio,
      Your chart’s data is linked to defined names from percentage_chart.xlsx’. The necesssary names are: arr_x, arr_y, arr_xx, arr_yy, first 2 are used for series 1 and last 2 for series 2.
      I understand that you don’t have the original file, but I can help you only if you provide all the details about how the chart should display, there is not enough info at this moment.

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