Excel First

Excel Solutions


Company Details:

Bombea Catalin Constantin I.I., CUI: 26239320, Voinesti, jud. Iasi, Romania
Email: catalin[at]excel-first.com
Phone: 0761686861


This blog is intended to present my services, and to publish interesting (hopefully 🙂 ) tips and articles inspired from the Excel projects i developed; you will find here useful free tools and techniques, as well as free codes and solutions, with all the details you need to apply them to your application.

My Excel journey started way back in 1995, while working for Coca Cola Bottling Company. Now, after many years of studying excel, i am willing to share my knowledges and the techniques i use in my own business (i am a business consultant) and in the projects i developed during this Excel “journey”.

Currently i am contributing with solutions for excel on forum: https://www.msofficeforums.com and on the best romanian office forum : https://www.itlearning.ro/forum/ , user Catalin B. I am also providing technical suport for excel on the australian Excel Training Website: https://www.myonlinetraininghub.com (you will find there the best Training courses available on web)

The Excel Learning Journey that I propose for you, is structured in such a way as to offer you the most practical way to learn Excel, free.

Start Your Free Excel Learning Journey!

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